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camp byoc title

 1 Sheakley Way, 45246

Office - 513-549-8308
Cell - 513-377-1679

Fall Registration is Open


Fall and Winter

We offer in person classes this fall: 


Explorer - Python Coding Basics


Apprentice - Python Structure and Logic (new)


Engineering - Robotics Club (new)

 The new Robotics Club and team will meet 3 days a week - Monday and Wednesday after school from 4pm - 6pm and on Saturdays from 10am - 3pm.  This club will allow youth to build skills and try out for the competition team.  Once the competition team is established, the club will continue to work as a club and the competition team will begin preparing to compete.  The club and team will meet at the same times after school and on Saturdays.





During the Fall and Winter, we continue the learning experience by offering various classes from the summer. This allows students to prepare for the Engineering classes in the summer and exposes new students to the basics of technology.
















Explore the world of zeros and ones, the world of computer technology.  During the summer a series of 1-week sessions designed to expose the student to computer technology concepts including the history, current and future trends.  The student will get a taste of many facets of computer technology and have hands-on experiences. 

During the summer the Engineering sessions go deeper into technologies.  Building a computer is our signature allowing students to have a unique experience.  We offer many options for developing skills in preparation for college or other career paths.

We take local field trips to visit companies involved in technology.  We visit Silicon Valley to see technology giants up close.  Students are chosen for this trip based on a variety of factors.



Ages, Fees, and Questions

Our camps and clubs are available to youth from ages 8 to 17. The fall and winter fees are $55/session. 


There is a discount if you refer other students who sign up. The ages and pre-requisites are based on the class. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the camp or its operation, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact: 513-549-8308, our location 109 W. Kemper Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45246. 


There are limited scholarships available. If you are interested in a scholarship, complete the scholarship application form. There is a $25 application fee to apply.  The eligibility requirements include:

 - being eligible for free/reduced lunch at school,

 - participate in at least 2 fund raisers prior to or during the class sessions.


Register Here



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