Circle of Giving - It Takes A Village...
BYOC (Build Your Own Computer) Camps and Clubs is a part of the Academy for Technologists Extraordinaire, Inc. (ATE) a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. While BYOC started in 2014, it became a part of ATE in 2017 with a mission to build a pipeline of extraordinary minority youth for STEM careers.
BYOC (Build Your Own Computer) Camps and Clubs recognizes the importance and values all support that we receive from donors and sponsors.
We need your support to continue to help inspire students pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and careers.
Camp BYOC relies on sponsors and donors like you to offset student expenses. Our goal is to build a pipeline of minority youth for tech careers, groom future innovators and provide real life skills to students who might not otherwise get the opportunity. Your donations no matter how big or small help us continue the work and move forward.
Over the past 10 years, BYOC has worked with over 800 students across 27 communities. It takes a village to keep this work going to help our youth succeed. BYOC encourages you to become part of our village.
There are several options for donating and you can donate below.
More Donation Options
Make Checks Payable to: BYOC
Send or Bring to:
115 W. Kemper Road
Cincinnati, OH 45246
DAF Direct makes it easier to support your favorite charities by giving directly from your donor-advised fund.
What is a DAF? A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individual, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some case, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.
Circle of Giving - It Takes A Village...
Several BYOC youth are pursuing technology careers today and several got their start through BYOC. Many grew their interest in technology because of BYOC. Others who already had a passion for technology found BYOC to be a place where they could learn more, experience new things and expand their insights into technology.
Your donations benefit BYOC in a variety of ways:
- Provide scholarships to needy youth
- Support student expenses (computer hardware, software, student related supplies, Silicon Valley trip)
- Support camp operational expenses (supplies, marketing, facilities, etc....)
There are several options for donating and you can donate above.
Thanks To All Our Supporters
We express our gratitude and publicly acknowledge the contributions of Partners, Advocates, Sponsors, and all those who have donated since the beginning. We appreciate the support of "Our Village."
If you are interesting in becoming a sponsor, please use the above links to make a donation or send a check to BYOC, 115 W. Kemper Rd. 45246. You can call us at 513-377-1679 or 513-549-8308.
Technology Tailor Made
Fifth-Third Bank
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
Christ Church Cathedral
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Jordan Crossing
Howard Elliott - Elliott Management Group
Rachel McKee
Robert Scott - Vice President and Dean - Global Institute for Professional Development
Royal Neighbors
Duke Energy Foundation
Karen Cooper - One Bridge
John Albritton
Chuma/Swazi Ekwueme - Sure Mechanical
Henry and Elizabeth Brown
Darlene Grey
Anthony Maieron and James Coleman - Revel Urban Winery
Kathleen Robb
David & Guinette Kirk - DNK
Donita Parish
Student Sponsors