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camp byoc title

 1 Sheakley Way, 45246

Office - 513-549-8308
Cell - 513-377-1679

Scholarship Application

Complete the form to be considered for a scholarship with BYOC Camps and Clubs

Very Limited Scholarships During the Fall/Winter/Spring Break Classes

Eligibility for a BYOC Scholarship Include:
- Show Financial Need (free/reduced lunch or some other method)
- Actively Participate in at least 2 BYOC Fundraisers .

There is a $25 application fee to apply payable once we make contact to begin processing.

The Procedure:
- submit the application
- we will schedule a zoom call to discuss and sign up for fundraisers
- make payment of the $25 application fee (cash app, venmo, paypal, cash)
- we inform you if you are awarded before the 1st week of class.
There are full and partial scholarships.

Please tell us about any coding, computer science or technology courses you student has taken at your school, online, or through other organizations.
How committed is your student to attending and engaging in BYOC classes
BYOC requires scholarship recipients participate in at least 2 fund raisers. If not eligible for financial assistance, you can fund raise to receive a scholarship. Are you interested?


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